As you will come to find out I have a love {LOVE}for chocolate. It is quite possibly my first love. There is a bag of Reese’s peanut butter cups from my childhood that can confirm that. Line up sweets like licorice or fruity candy all day and I am a rock of strength. You put chocolate in front of me and I am a ball of weak mush. That is life and I accept my weakness {happily}.  Add ice cream and the combination is the perfect marriage.

This is quite possibly the easiest recipe evah. 5 ingredients. One bowl. You have no reason not to make this! This recipe is adapted from the ever classic, always elegant Nigella Lawson. I made her No-Churn Coffee Ice Cream a few years ago and loved it.

As I have been limiting my dairy intake I decided to use Coconut Cream. This is important – use cream, not milk. This is not the time for low fat coconut milk. You’re having ice cream…Non-Dairy Ice Cream at that. Live on the edge.

Pour all 5 ingredients into a bowl and using a hand or stand mixer combine. Continue to mix on high until soft peaks form.

Coconut Milk Coffee Ice Cream (No Churn)

Then transfer to an air tight container or bread pan covered with a layer of parchment. Let set for at least 6 hrs. or overnight. Tip: Before serving set out for 15-20 minutes. A little thaw will add to the creaminess.

Coconut Milk Coffee Ice Cream
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  1. 2 14oz. cans Coconut Cream
  2. 3 Tbsp. Instant Espresso Coffee
  3. 2 Tbsp. Unsweetened Cocoa powder
  4. 1/2 c. Espresso liqeuor
  5. 1/2 c. sugar
  1. Pour all ingredients into a bowl. Using either a hand mixer or stand mix well. Continue to mix on high until soft peaks form. Pour into an airtight container and move to freezer. Let set for at least 6 hrs. or overnight.
  1. Tip: Let sit out 15-20 minutes before serving to allow to thaw slightly. Very firm when first comes out of freezer.
Adapted from Nigella Lawson's No-Churn Coffee Ice Cream
Wandering Table Catering
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